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Want to relax for free? (click here) DON'T LET DAILY STRESS GET TO YOU. Using art to escape and relax gives you a range of benefits.


Marie Kost

Hello there,

My name is Marie Kost.  Feel free to check out my original oil paintings, digital prints, and blog.

If you are wondering about my coloring pages,  I am working on it.  It is coming soon so stay tuned.  Here is a little bit about me if you are interested.

How did I get into art?  To be honest, I really cannot remember when I first started to love art.  Ever since I was little, I liked to draw, color, and be creative.  I started painting in middle school/high school.  I took all the art classes I could get my hands on in high school.  My dream was to be an illustrator. 

When I was picking out a college to attend, I picked a school that had drawing classes and got an Associate in Applied Science Degree in college for Graphic Design.  I did an internship and after my internship, I had a job for six months before I got laid off. 

Six months later, after being turned down by Graphic Design Agencies that said I had to have 3 years’ experience for them to help me find a job in the Graphic Design field,  I had a Graphic Design teacher tell me that I should lie on my resume about my job experience.  I couldn’t do it.  It just did not feel right to me so I ended up going to a temp agency to get any kind of a job I could find.

I ended up with a corporate job and still work there today.  Shortly after I got married and was helping raise a 6 year old stepdaughter, I learned how much work it was to put in 40 hours a week while being a wife and Mom.

You might be thinking, “Why after all these years are you pursing such a thing?”  It's really two things - the love of art and escaping the stress and loneliness I felt during the pandemic with having to work from home while single. 

Now don't get me wrong.  I did have my art supplies and my easel ready to go before the pandemic hit.  I did try to sit down and paint beforehand, but when I sat down to paint, I couldn’t open my oil paints because they were dried shut.   I even tried using my pliers and the lids would not budge since I had not opened them in so many years!  At that time, I did order all new oil paints and good thing I did!  Once the pandemic hit, I thought, "I will paint a picture for my mom for Mother’s Day" and then it felt so good to sit down and paint again, I ended up doing another and another. 

I started posting some on social media and got a good response.  Even though it has been a long time, I have never really given up.  It's something I love to do.  I like that I am pursing what I’ve always wanted to do while helping you at the same time!  I care about you, and I want to help make your bad day a little brighter by escaping the daily stresses of life and helping you relax. I got you covered so no worries! 

Whether it be for the stress reduction that comes with looking at my paintings, or just for your own enjoyment, I want you to make my art what you need.  That is why I made some coloring pages just for you for free.  I also included a color guide in my downloadable free pages if picking out colors is stressful for you.  If you like picking out your own color scheme then go ahead and be that awesome and creative self that you are! 

Thanks for reading my story.  I want you to come back again so I can help you escape daily stresses and guide you to that relaxing place with my art!




Helping you escape daily stress by using art to relax.


P.S.  If you would like those free coloring pages I mentioned. (click here)